“Record of Ragnarok” is the story of 13 gods from across the globe and 13 of the world’s most notable humans fighting it out in one-on-one battles to decide the fate of humanity. Based on the best-seller manga created by Azychika, Shinya Umemura and Takumi Fukui, an earnest battle of transcendental rage begins!
Netflix today released the official trailer for Trese, the highly anticipated Netflix Original Anime series based on the Philippine graphic novel created by Budjette Tan and KaJO Baldisimo, premiering on Netflix June 11, 2021.
Known as the gold standard of survival horror games with over 110 million units shipped worldwide, Resident Evil is continuing its 25th-anniversary celebration with the upcoming premiere of the original CG anime series, RESIDENT EVIL: Infinite Darkness, launching exclusively on Netflix on July 8 this year.
Get ready to unmask Awesome Deals and score Fantastic Finds for as low as 1 Peso only at Cosplay Auction Online Vol. 6: Maysquerade!
When a dark power enshrouds earth and a dark circus troupe appears after a total solar eclipse, the scattered Sailor Guardians must reunite to bring light back into the world…
A new Puella Magi Madoka Magica film subtitled Walpurgis no Kaiten (Rotation of Walpurgis) was announced at the 10th Anniversary Stage event.
Fresh off the launch of its massive RO 2.0 content update, mobile RPG Ragnarok M: Eternal Love (RO:M) is continuing its march into 2021 with the announcement of the Eternal Love Cosplay Concerto, taking place on 1 May, 2021. Hosted in The Philippines, this grand showcase will let fans and cosplayers of the beloved Ragnarok…
Join the Musical Madness this April with Cosplay Karaoke Online as part of the online Eggstravaganza! Sing your heart out to your favorite anime tunes and become the next singing sensation!
Prepare for some Make Up Madness as special guest Geneva guides you through the wonderland of make up transformation in Cosplay Academy in this month’s Eggstravaganza! Go through the looking glass as you transport yourself through this dazzling adventure on April 10, 2021!
Ready for some Cosplay Auction Online? Get cash for your stash for as low as only P20! Register for your slot and get your items seen by an eggcited, eager audience of fans throughout the year! Plus, join in multiple auctions and get slots for FREE!
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