A collaboration between the TV anime “SPY x FAMILY” based on the original work by Tatsuya Endo, the bathing facility Gokurakuyu, and RAKU SPA. The campaign “Holiday EXTRA MISSION Show off your good friends in the bath” will be held at 20 group stores from July 1st to August 14th.
At the target stores, a muffler towel with illustrations drawn by Lloyd Forger, Anya Forger, Yor Forger, Damian Desmond, Becky Blackbell, and Yuri Briar will appear as a “holiday MISSION set”. One of the six types will be randomly distributed by paying the set fee for the campaign and the admission fee. The store will also be decorated with character panels, streamers, and tapestries.
In addition, original goods such as “Trading sento lock style key chain”, “Bath salt with bromide” and “Wooden strap” using newly drawn illustrations are also on sale. From July 1st to 3rd, there will be a limit on the number of items purchased at the store. From 18:00 on July 1st to August 14th, orders will be sold at the Gokurakuyu official online shop. Every time you purchase 2000 yen including tax for original goods at the store only, you will get one random postcard with a scene photo poster design.
In addition, during the period, images of collaborative foods and characters such as “Family pretending! Forger family salmon and salmon roe bowl”, “Anya Omuraisutabetai crispy bacon porcini omelet rice”, and “Ibarahime’s southern cuisine Gokurakuyu ver” Also available drinks. Every time you order one collaboration menu, you will get one random collaboration limited coaster from all 12 types. The coaster is a double-sided specification, and when you complete 12 types, one illustration is completed. From July 26th, a special menu “Share with everyone and appeal! Eastern (Ostania) style fried food” will be added, and an original design postcard will be attached as a privilege.
A collaboration bath with the image of Lloyd, Anya, and Yor is also available. Since the venues and periods are different, check the unique campaign site for details.
Links: “SPY x FAMILY” x Gokurakuyu / RAKU SPA collaboration campaign , [Gokurakuyu Official Online Shop] Top Page
Source: natalie