There are only a few days before the registration ends for the Ragnarok Online Cosplay Competition at the Community Assembly 2022 where P150,000 in CASH is at stake! Do you want to join, but don’t have a costume yet? Here are 10 EASY costumes you can build from stuff you might have in your closet!

Without a doubt, this might be the easiest costume to pull off. All you need is a white polo shirt, jeans and brown gloves. Add in a backpack and maybe a hammer or axe leftover from Halloween or your other cosplay stash and you’re done. You can also accessorize by adding a necklace, tattoos or an elaborate belt made from leftover fabric.

If you have a brown coat, you can pull off the Acolyte look. Just add in details with excess white cloth, accessorize with gloves, add a pendant and you’re done. As your main prop, you’ll need a large book which you might be able to find in your library or use that encyclopedia set that’s been collecting dust on your parent’s shelf.

Just use a white t-shirt and roll up the sleeves then strap up a breastplate made from cartolina or craft rubber sheets you might have lying around. Add in some cloth strips to hold it over your torso and complete the look with shorts. Add in some brown gloves, shoes and maybe a loincloth design for extra points.

You’ll need a brown long sleeve shirt which you can accessorize with cartolina or craft rubber sheets to add in the bits of armor. Add in blue jeans which you can pinstripe with a black marker. Again, you can use brown gloves and boots and accessorize until you’re happy with the look. A bow or crossbow is easily accessible at your local toy store or you could try to borrow one from your younger siblings.
Kafra Girl (NPC)

The look of these iconic NPC’s (Non-Player Characters) is one of the easier ones to complete (unless you want to go full green body paint for an orc.) You’ll need to find a brown dress and a full apron that you can modify to duplicate the look. Glue gun some white cloth to a headband for the head piece, get some white gloves and brown shoes and you’re done.

If you have a blue dress, this look isn’t too hard to pull off. For the headdress, you can use some old jeans that you can wear on your head and add details using cartolina or craft rubber parts. Add in black stockings and complete the details with pieces of cloth and you can achieve this look. For the staff, you can modify a silver broom handle or use a PVC pipe that you paint silver. Add in a staff head using craft rubber or cartolina as well.
Munak (NPC/Monster)

With Chinese New Year almost upon us, this could be the best time to pick out a Chinese outfit for this costume. Just try to buy something that looks similar to this outfit, make a hat out of cartolina or craft rubber and you’re done. The charm (piece of yellow paper with red writing) on its head and the book is sort of iconic for the character though, so we suggest adding that in as well.
Bongun (NPC/Monster)

The male version of the Munak, it’s pretty much the same outfit as the Munak except blue rather than red. Again the charm (piece of yellow paper with red writing) on its head is iconic, so you won’t want to forget to add that.
Miyabi (NPC/Monster)

This outfit is very easy if you have a kimono or yukata in your closet. If you don’t, you may be able to purchase one at an affordable price at a nearby 2nd hand store or borrow one from a friend. Either way, all you’ll need to do after that is maybe add a large ribbon and a flower for your hair and you’re done.
High Priestess

Probably the hardest one to pull off, you’ll need to find a red dress and modify an apron in order to complete the look. It will need a lot of tweaking to get all the details done, but you can come out with a great costume with some effort. White stockings and a staff made from either a metal broom handle or PVC painted silver with a crafted end should complete the costume.
Additional notes: For PC’s (Player Characters), you can accessorize as clothing for them usually vary anyways. You can add in horns or a cowboy hat if you have them handy. If you feel fancy, add in angle wing headdresses and accessorize as much as possible to make the costume unique and fun. Don’t sweat the accuracy too much, as the judges will recognize your effort and creativity in your costume a lot more.
Have a colorful wig in your inventory? It’s worth it to wear the wig for extra points as the judges will also see it as extra effort.
And, most of all, don’t forget to register right away once your costume is ready. Registration is only up until January 31, 2022 so hurry and get in your entries and get a chance to win!
Cosplay Competition Rules and Guidelines: https://tinyurl.com/4n5je3x7
Registration Link: https://ro.gnjoy.asia/phassembly/cosplayer/
We are thrilled to see your cosplay soon!
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