We have new updates of the latest patch!
Yay!!! We are joined by the Chibi Host of Lumine, Navia (New Geo Mommy… I mean Geo Character) & the very Mysterious New Character we haven’t seen on the previous patches Chevreuse member of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol from Fontaine!
Additions in the game:
- Featured Character Banners: 1st Phase and 2nd Phase (New 5 and 4-star characters released in this patch)
- 1st Phase character banners: Navia (New Geo Character from Fontained and Rerun banner of Ayaka
- 2nd phase character banners: Raiden Shogun and Yoimiya along with the new 4-star character Chevreuse
- Character Story Quest: Rosa MultiFlora Chapter 1, Navia’s Story Quest
- New 5-star weapon
- New Artifact sets
- Events in game to get a free 4 star weapon and ascension materials for the weapon
- Arataki Itto’s event which is called “Arataki Blazing Armor Bettle Battle Boot Camp”
- Lost Riches: Seelie event
- Liben’s Daily Commission in exchange for primos and other materials
- TCG: New Character Cards: Lyneym Lynette, Dvalin, Azdaha and Signora
- Genius Invokation TCG Asia Invitational (competition)
- System Optimization:
- Check this link for more details-> Developers Discussion
- Fontaine themed Sereniteapot
- Genshin Concert 2023
- The program will be published on Dec. 22,2023
- Stellar Moments Volume 4 release
Here is the Trailer for 4.3
If you want to see the live stream update check out Genshin Impact on Twitch before releasing it on their official YouTube channel.
You can also check out the preview page of 4.3
Twitch: GenshinImpactOfficial
YouTube: Genshin Impact
Websites: HoyoLab : Genshin.Mihoyo
*Disclaimer* the redemption code on the live stream has already expired as of this writing so you won’t be able to redeem it in-game

Bonus for you my Dear Readers!
Codes you can redeem and may soon expire, so hurry before they’re gone!