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Genshin Impact 3.6 Update!

Check out the latest & see what’s in store on this upcoming patch

Yay! Chibi Characters back hosting the Live stream. Aether, Nahida, Dori and Baizhu the new 5-star character in 3.6

New Features in the game:

  1. 2 New playable Characters:
    Kaveh from Sumeru & Baizhu from Liyue
  2. Rerun banners of Nahida, Nilou, and Ganyu
  3. New Chapter of the Archon Quest for Nahida
  4. 1 new weapon in this latest update a 5-star weapon
  5. New Area will be unlocked in Sumeru
  6. We have more events and stories to unlock in this patch
  7. Free 4-star Character after doing the event (Faruzan)
  8. 2 New World Boss and Enemies in the new area

Here’s the Full Trailer for the 3.6 Patch Update!

If you want to see the live stream update check out Genshin Impact on twitch before releasing it on their official Youtube Channel.

You can also check out the preview page of 3.6

Twitch: GenshinImpactOfficial

YouTube: Genshin Impact

Websites: HoyoLab : Genshin.Mihoyo

*Disclaimer* the redemption code on the live stream has already expired as of this writing so you won’t be able to redeem it in-game

And here’s a bonus for you all!

Redeem Code: LA9C3RHPPHQH (60 Primos & 5 Exp Books)

Some could’ve redeemed it before but hopefully you get the rewards!