The latest patch from Genshin Impact is coming and its quite interesting
We all have been waiting for a certain character to be available since patch 1.0 and he is here!
Our Chibi hosts for this patch are Arataki Itto, Lumine & of course everyone’s favorite Fandango *ahem* i mean Scaramouche or should I say the Wanderer.
New Features in the game:
- 2 new playable Characters: The Wanderer & Faruzan
- Rerun banners of Arataki Itto on the 1st phase and 2nd phase banners are Raiden Shogun & Kamisato Ayato
- New Story Quest of the Wanderer
- 2 new weapons in this latest update a 5-star weapon and a 4-star weapon
- New Sets of Artifacts
- Game Events: Akitsu Kimodameshi, Across the Wilderness, Rerun event for the 3rd time The Windtrace Event and Misty Dungeon
- Genius Invokation TCG will be available to play on this patch
Check out the Trailers for the 3.3 update down below:
And The TCG Event!
You can also check out the preview page of 3.3
If you want to see the live stream update check out Genshin Impact on twitch before releasing it on their official Youtube Channel.
Twitch: GenshinImpactOfficial
YouTube: Genshin Impact
Websites: HoyoLab : Genshin.Mihoyo
*Disclaimer* the redemption code has already expired as of this writing so you won’t be able to redeem it in-game