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BABYMETAL, pre-delivery of “Light and Darkness”

BABYMETAL ‘s new song “Light and Darkness” will be released on February 24th.

BABYMETAL “THE OTHER ONE” regular edition jacket

Prior to the release of the new album “THE OTHER ONE” on March 24th, BABYMETAL has been continuously releasing new songs since October last year. 

“Light and Darkness”, the 4th pre-delivery song for the album, is a song that expresses the conflict and harmony between yin and yang, and the dual nature of all things in the universe.

Top Left BABYMETAL “THE OTHER ONE” complete production limited edition jacket, BABYMETAL “THE OTHER ONE” vinyl jacket, BABYMETAL “THE OTHER ONE” Asmart limited edition jacket & BABYMETAL “THE OTHER ONE” limited edition jacket


Source: natalie

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