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Cosplay Carnival 2025 Exhibitor Portal

Production Schedule

Time (UTC +8)DateLocation
Exhibitors Meeting15.00 (3.00 PM) – 16.00 (4.00 PM)08 March 2025CosplayPH Youtube Channel
Supplier Ingress (Day 1)02.00 (2.00 AM) onwards22 March 2025SMX Convention Center Manila RDU
Ingress (Day 1)07.00 (7.00 AM) – 09.59 (9.59 AM)22 March 2025SMX Convention Center Manila RDU
Ingress (Day 2)08.00 (8.00 AM) – 09.59 (9.59 AM)23 March 2025SMX Convention Center Manila RDU
Event Proper10.00 (10.00 AM) – 20.00 (8.00 PM)22-23 March 2025Function Rooms 2-5, SMX Convention Center Manila
Egress20.00 (8.00 PM) – 00.00 (12.00 MN)23 March 2025SMX Convention Center Manila RDU

Due Dates

Due DateItemContact
14 February 2025Exhibitor Registration
Forty Eight (48) hour grace period after order has been placed through FanMartExhibitor
20 February 2025Sponsorship
21 February 2025Extra ID OrderExhibit Add-Ons
03 March 2025Promotion SubmissionPromotion Form
TBADeadline to notify users of an Exhibitor Appointed Contractor.Cityneon Philippines, Inc.
8473 LE West Service Road, Km. 14 Brgy. Sun Valley, South Superhighway, Parañaque City, Philippines
TBABooth Furnishings and other advance orders deadline.Cityneon Philippines, Inc.
8473 LE West Service Road, Km. 14 Brgy. Sun Valley, South Superhighway, Parañaque City, Philippines
Please refer to the Shipping Instructions for the respective deadlines.Shipment of goods and materials.Airspeed International Corporation
GGB Building, Pascor Drive Parañaque City, Metro Manila
Tel No: (02) 8852-7328 to 37

Floor Plan and Directory

Floor Plan

*The floor plan is correct at the time of print. CosplayPH reserves the right to change booth placements and content offerings


Graphic Assets

Promotion Form

Ad Spots

Exhibitor Meeting


Meeting VOD

SMX Exhibitor Presentation

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