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Shipping Policy

  1. For on-hand items, weekly shipping is available.
    1. Regular Courier. Fill out the shipping request form and provide details for shipping. For all items fully paid (including shipping fees) by the 19th of each month, shipment will be done in bulk by the nearest Monday. If the payment deadline falls on a Monday, shipment will be on the following week’s Monday to give time for the shop to pack and prepare the item/s.
    2. For SDD. For all items fully paid (including shipping fees) by the 19th of each month, shipment will be done in bulk by the nearest Saturday. If the payment deadline falls on a Saturday, shipment will be on the following week’s Saturday to give time for the shop to pack and prepare the item/s..Booking may only be done within 1-5pm of that Saturday. Customers will be provided with the shop’s pickup details and booking will be done by the customer.
  2. For pre-orders, items will be grouped based on release month. Proxy will consolidate all items released in the same month and ship to PH in the first week of the following month. ETA will be published per monthly batch.
  3. For shopping service, same with the pre-orders, items will be grouped based on month of arrival in the proxy address. Proxy will consolidate all items received in the same month and ship to PH in the first week of the following month. ETA will be published per monthly batch.
  4. For pasabuys, the schedule of stay in JP will be posted on an adhoc basis. Subsequent shipping to the customer will be dependent on the arrival of the admin/s in PH.

Refund Policy

After DP has been paid, no refunds will be made in case of a change of mind.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy

Failure to comply with the payment terms twice will result in getting banned from the shop and being posted in the bogus buyers album.